We specialize in getting doctors and business owners their money more quickly as well as helping them create new avenues of income. Please feel free to look through our web site to see the various systems we offer.If you have any questions or would like to get started on these services, please contact us.
Starting a new Medical Practice
Need Better Collection Rates
Want Lower Collection Costs
The best kind of customer is a repeat customer. This kind of customer costs less to acquire than new customers, and are therefore more profitable. If you are like most doctors, you are too busy seeing patients and handling payment problems to assemble follow-up programs.
The PWC Program encourages patients to come regularly for needed services, such as checkups, immunizations, and other treatments necessary to keep your patients healthy and vital. This effective method reminds patients when it's time for scheduled appointments, and alert them for services they may not have known they needed.
As a result of this program, patient appointments will increase...and so will billings.
Please contact us to get started on this exciting program!